Morning Sickness (Hyperemesis gravidarum) Treatment in Homeopathy

Some women may experience a more severe form of morning sickness known as hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), which afflicts approximately 3% of pregnant women. HG differs from standard morning sickness—wwhich usually disappears by the end of the first trimester – in that women will experience persistent nausea and vomiting, causing dehydration, weight loss, and a lack of nutrients. Other symptoms that women may have include tiredness, dizziness, fast heartbeat (tachycardia), and low blood pressure. In some extreme circumstances, it can last for the entire period of the pregnancy.

Effects of Economic Situation on Physical and Psychological Well-Being

The scope of HG reaches further than just physical health, as it has a considerable influence on mental health. It has been linked to increased antenatal and postnatal depression risks, and some women experience guilt and feelings of alienation as a result of their inability to continue normal activities in pregnancy. Adding to the emotional toll of HG is the ignorance of a good number of friends, family, and ER doctors/healthcare providers—they seem to have little knowledge of HG.

Causes and risk factors

While nobody knows the precise reasons why some pregnant people get HG, one of the leading hypotheses is that fluctuating hormones – specifically, the extreme rise of hCG and estrogen—mmay contribute. Higher hormone levels may put women who are carrying multiples more at risk for developing HG. There may be some genetic component here as well, as women are at a higher risk for HG if it is present in their family.

Treatment Approaches

The management of HG depends on the severity of the symptoms. In mild situations, the condition is treated with diet changes and lifestyle adjustments, including smaller and more frequent meals and hydration. The more serious cases need to be treated by medical professionals with intravenous fluids for rehydration and anti-nausea medication orally or by injection.

Homeopathy for Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Through individualized and holistic treatments, homeopathy addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of having severe morning sickness, but does it at a personal level. An experienced homeopath can provide remedies individualized to the case that help the body heal itself to feel more at ease, reduce nausea, restore fluid intake and output, and ultimately get him/her back to normal faster without strong pharmaceutical approaches.

If you want to know more about expert homeopathic treatment for hyperemesis gravidarum, you can consult Dr. Kumar Gaurav, a specialist in homeopathic care with the best homeopathic treatment for hyperemesis gravidarum (chronic symptoms like: extreme morning sickness, frequent vomitting, extreme smell sensitivity, experiencing chills or feeling cold) as well as for other pregnancy and prepregnancy disorders, with great care and guarantee. According to Dr. Gaurav, every patient experiences their symptoms differently, and proper treatment will provide the best results only when tailored to each individual.

Contact Information

Phone: +91 8948209775

For pregnant women whose bodies are putting them through the wringer during this period, Dr. Kumar Gaurav specializes in helping to ease HG and can provide an organic way forward of maintaining symptoms and making things easier to experience pregnancy.